In todays world new technologies are always being introduced to us, cutting edge technologies that only 10 years ago we would think thast they would never be possible to develop the kind of technologies we have today. the RFID chip is something that's on the news a lot these days mostly on the internet, there are many youtube videos that can be watched on RFID topic. there are many debates on this topic
on the side you can see images on how an RFID looks like.
Though there may be some people who like the idea of this new device that will be available very soon, there are many who believe that this is just another way for politicians to control the global population, thererfore there is a lot of conspiracy theory around the subject.
Below is a short video clip that explains this conspiracy of the RFID chip, though there are many more.
the most used social networking site on the internet is facebook below is a video on how facebook used rfid chips in one of their conferences.
Google images
Youtube (2009) RFID chip- Liquid. Available at:[ accessed 25 November. 2010].
Youtube (2010) Facebook experiments with rfid chips and your user profile. Available at:[ accessed 25 November. 2010]
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